ore_blighted_cobalt.act Back
Raw File Data

The data stored in the ACT contains exactly 256 colors. The below shows how the game sees the tint.


All tints are converted to a gradient on upload. Not all gradients are perfectly accurate. This is how the site sees this tint.

Name ore_blighted_cobalt.act Last Updated February 20th, 2024
Creator Official Color Count 26
0: #02030c
16: #608040
17: #080c16
32: #0d141f
48: #608040
49: #131d2a
64: #182533
80: #608040
81: #1e2d3d
96: #232e43
112: #608040
113: #29304a
128: #2f3150
144: #608040
145: #434f54
160: #47486a
176: #608040
177: #5f657e
191: #737c8f
208: #608040
209: #9396ab
210: #9598ad
224: #aeb1c2
240: #608040
241: #cdd0dc
255: #e6e9f2
Tint Items
Channel Management
Icon Selection
Dragon Scalesets
Biped Armor
Dragon Textures
These textures are greyscale and do not have channels.