The Gear Builder Update

The gear builder has finally been launched!

  • Create plans for biped or dragon gear using the equipment window interface.
  • Gear automatically checks for conflicts, issues, and requirements when adding new items.
  • See your per-item and per-set totals, including the 'hidden' bonuses to skills from attribute numbers.
  • Write other information you want to share into the description.
  • Save and share your builds for everyone to see, or keep them unlisted or privated for yourself.

Other changes:

  • Guides now have a drafting function to let you save edits without making them public.
  • Guides can now be unlisted as well as private and public.
  • Added the ability to independently register an account.
  • Users now have profiles you can view to check all their visible guides and builds.
  • Some minor typo fixes and slight visual upgrades.

AGH Viewer Launched

An online AGH Viewer can now be accessed here!

Site Conversion

Site was officially converted to a new web framework for more tools and resources.

New Guide And Updates

A new guide has been posted, Dragons: An Introduction and Adventure Leveling Guide. The Guild properties and officer list has been updated to reflect the current roster.

Rite of Passage Calculator

The RoP calculator has been finished and is now available, bug-free, to be used to calculate the lowest craft you possibly need to do the RoP at any adventure level for either faction!

Reformatting II

Reformatting has been overall finished. 'Guides' and 'Istarian Resources' have combined into 'Guides & Resources'. All old guides pages now redirect to the new location. All guides and tools have been given a small description as to what they do before you click to give you an idea of what you're getting into. Finally, the main page has been updated to reflect the current state of our guild and site.


The site is undergoing some reformatting to make it more focused on the game itself rather than just our guild. I hope to make it a useful resource rather than an advertisement site.

Guide Pages Reformatted

The guide pages have been reformatted to follow the main site's style, hopefully to make them easier to read.

Updated Site - Improved Load Times!

Outdated pages have been given a bit of a kick to be more up-to-date, such as the members and property pages. The site was also adjusted so that this sidebar and the navigation should load much faster, greatly improving load times.

New Page & Guides!

A few guides have been written regarding Dragon builds and biped adventure and craft leveling! Furthermore, the consigner page has been created as we try to stock our own consigner. Stay tuned!

Website Up!

The website has been created and is up and running!

Racktor's Refuge Complete

Racktor's Refuge's final libraries are completed and thus the entire lair is final.