
Welcome to the general Guides section! Here are all guides written by Istarians that wanted a place to host their content. If you want an account to make and post guides, please message Racktor on the Discord or other social media!

Craft guides are for aiding others in navigating the tradeskills of Istaria. Most commonly are guides for pathing your way to a Grand Master Crafter, or for optimally leveling certain classes.

Guide to Grand-Master Crafter Created by Kurya

A guide for both beginners and adepts to a self-sufficient biped Grand-Master Crafter.

Crafting your Craft Gear Created by Rackiera

A guide to making crafting sets to max out your skills for dragons and bipeds alike - both min-maxed sets and general sets are available to reference.

Biped Crafting and the Road to GMC Created by Rackiera

How to level a biped from nothing to GMC! Within is a detailed explanation of how to level a biped's first school along with a roadmap to GMC, resource patch recommendations, and some details on how biped crafting works.

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