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Welcome to the Tints section! Tints in Istaria are managed by ACT files, which can be generated from a list of 256 colors. You can create tints via this website or convert images to tints and reverse.

Name Folder Preview Colors Copy ACT PNG
essence_tainted_radiant.act root 6
essence_tainted_shining.act root 7
food_beef.act root 10
food_carrot.act root 11
food_chicken.act root 15
food_fish.act root 18
food_flank_arbotus.act root 4
food_flank_beef.act root 4
food_flank_gruok.act root 3
food_flank_mutton.act root 3
food_flank_ruxus.act root 3
food_flank_venison.act root 5
food_gruok.act root 8
food_mutton.act root 13
food_pork.act root 13
food_potato.act root 18
food_venison.act root 13
gem_amethyst.act root 3
gem_aquamarine.act root 9
gem_blighted_amethyst.act root 25
gem_blighted_aquamarine.act root 28
gem_blighted_citrine.act root 25
gem_blighted_diamond.act root 26
gem_blighted_emerald.act root 26
gem_blighted_fireopal.act root 27
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