Crystal Database Resources

1180 results in 0.003 seconds.

Icon Name Tier Socket
Light Amethyst Tool Crystal 2 Tool
Light Amethyst Jewelry Crystal 2 Jewelry
Light Amethyst Armor Crystal 2 Armor
Lesser Shining Crystal of Movement 5 Tool
Lesser Shining Crystal of Holding 5 Tool
Lesser Radiant Crystal of Movement 6 Tool
Lesser Radiant Crystal of Holding 6 Tool
Lesser Pale Crystal of Movement 2 Tool
Lesser Pale Crystal of Holding 2 Tool
Lesser Glowing Crystal of Movement 3 Tool
Lesser Glowing Crystal of Holding 3 Tool
Lesser Dim Crystal of Movement 1 Tool
Lesser Dim Crystal of Holding 1 Tool
Lesser Bright Crystal of Movement 4 Tool
Lesser Bright Crystal of Holding 4 Tool
Legacy of Ambirannis 3 Armor
Left-Hand Crystal of Weaponry 3 Left Hand
Left-Hand Crystal of Superior Weaponry 6 Left Hand
Left-Hand Crystal of Superior Shock 6 Left Hand
Left-Hand Crystal of Superior Offensive 6 Left Hand
Left-Hand Crystal of Superior Exhaustion 6 Left Hand
Left-Hand Crystal of Superior Defense 6 Left Hand
Left-Hand Crystal of Superior Bleed 6 Left Hand
Left-Hand Crystal of Shock 3 Left Hand
Left-Hand Crystal of Offensive 3 Left Hand
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