Resources and Tools
Game Data Lookup

More coming soon...

Crystal Database

A data lookup tool for all of the crystal information used for the build creator.

Equipment Database

A data lookup tool for all of the equipment information used for the build creator.

Technique Database

A data lookup tool for all of the technique information used for the build creator.


Any and all maps based on Istaria's game world.

Community Lair

An interactive map of the grand community lair that spans from Dralk to Chiconis. Includes notes about resources, the entrances, and any other details useful to traversing the caverns.

Modding Tools

Tools that interact with the game's files and help you make mods.

AGH Viewer

A web-based version of the classic AGH Viewer, this time with proper image type and size exporting.


These tools and guides are no longer maintained, but remain on this page until they are remade.

Rite of Passage Crafting Calculator

An older tool that figures out the minimum craft required for doing either Rite of Passage at any level.

Dragon Build List

A page that just lists existing builds hosted on this site that are explained more in-depth on other pages. Useful for linking out to others without hitting them with a wall of text to scroll through.

Dragon Quick Reference Sheet

A reference sheet for anyone leveling a dragon who needs to find a trainer.

Introduction to Dragon Builds

Explanations of how to build a dragon, what works well on each type, and examples of general gearsets optimized for different playstyles.